Posts tagged Classic Hotels

I have been lucky to have fallen in a job that allowed me to stay and experience most of the best hotels and resorts around Asia and the Pacific for the last 30 years. And that’s not only once but many times at the same hotels. I experienced in depth and witnessed the changes. And yes, I have a list, maybe 10-15 hotels and resorts spread all over the continent that remain, to this day, my favorites. The Siam is one of them. And believe me, I am picky.

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Like so many hotels across Asia, arriving into La Résidence driveway is like coming home. This is one of my favorite hotels in Vietnam and how I wished one day I could come here on holidays. What strikes our guest upon arrival is the “mansion feel”, this is not like a hotel. The ground floor is huge with many alcoves, a great bar area and superb boutique gift shop where I have witnessed some serious amount of money spent upon check out….

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